
Festa in vendemmia (30/09/2018)

Dear friends, harvest time has arrived. Sooner than ever, hotter than ever, but also magic as ever. The harvest gives us again those joyous vibes often left aside during a year of hard work, both physical and mental, always looking at the sky and praying Nature, our majority shareholder, to be kind...

Mercato dei Vini FIVI Roma

We will present our wines in Rome at the 2018 edition of the Market of FIVI Wines on Saturday, May 19th and Sunday, May 20th. The event will be hosted at Cinecittà Studios (Teatro 10). FIVI is the Italian Federation of Independent Winegrowers. Name of the event: Market of FIVI wines 2018 When: May 19-20 2018...

Pizza & Wine (13/05/2018)

Have you ever tried to pair pizza and wine? Join us on Sunday May 13th: we will bring you pizza fresh out of our oven and you will choose one of our wines for the perfect pairing! Price is euro 15,00 per person. Make your reservation: • by email at;...

Festa di primavera 2018

Join us at our winery on Sunday, April 15th for our spring festival. A day of free tastings paired with traditional food and live music from noon to late afternoon! Admittance by donation. Make your reservation: • by email:; • by phone: +39.338.1188161 (Giuseppe).